Sunday, June 12, 2011

Living Fitness

If you have been reading my blog you know that increased health  is one of my goals this year.  One of the ways that I plan to increase better health is through fitness, actually through what I like to call "living fitness".  Living fitness is when you get your exercise through enjoyable means, like bike riding through the park, walking through an art museum, going to the zoo, etc., etc., etc.  Believe it or not you can really get a  serious cardio workout just by living an active social life.  One of my favorite "living fitness" things to do is walk the Brooklyn Bridge.  I love it because you can walk from Brooklyn to Manhattan and back again as many times as you can and in either direction the view is least it is to me.  That's the point, to find an area that is beautiful for you.  Another location that really tires me out is walking in the Brooklyn Botanical Garden.  It's really beautiful looking at all the plants and flowers, however by the time you've looked everywhere you've been walking and bending for hours (if you really look). 
I got this idea a few of summers ago when I  realized that I take my city for granted and decided to go around like a tourist.  Well I really enjoyed it.  I went to the Botanical Gardens for the first time in years, to the water taxi a few times for a tour of the Manhattan, went to the zoo (with no children), and walked the Bridge for the first time.  I've gone to Savannah Georgia at  least 50 or 60 times throughout my life but it is now more tourist friendly.  When I went there for a visit that summer I took a trolley tour of the city and walked around their beautiful Forsyth Park every morning at least 4 times.  I enjoyed the city from a complete different view point.  I enjoyed the fun and beauty of these things and got a good workout. 
Two of priorities this summer is to get a bike rack on my car so that I can take my bike out to Prospect Park and Central Park.  I ride near my house but I want to have a picnic in the park so I plan to get to the major parks.  If you don't own a bike you can normally rent bikes near or in major parks.  Don't think I'm crazy but I'm thinking about joining a rollerskating club in Central Park.  Rollerskating is a serious workout for your legs and abs!  I've been saying I would do this since the summer I was telling you about.  I actually bought skates that summer.  I need to make it happen.
Do you have any "living fitness" activities that you have discovered helps with fitness.  Let me know what you like to know and I will update you on my activities.

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