Saturday, January 29, 2011

China Glaze - For Audrey Nail Polish

Let me tell you about this nail polish.  A year or so ago I ran across this nail polish on a blog dedicated to  Audrey Hepburn.  At the time I looked to purchase it I couldn't find it anywhere and it was out for a while at that point that I figured OK I missed the opportunity.  For some reason recently I was looking at this blog that I like "You've Got Nail" and I came across the post for "For Audrey" and I decided to research the nail polish again and just like that I found it.  My go to place is and they had it but I also realized that Sally Beauty Supply had it.  OK so I made the decision that I would have my husband go up to Sally's and try and find it on his way home and if he could not I would order it at Amazon.  Well the conclusion to the whole situation is that Sally's had four bottles left in our store and we got all four!  Talk about excited.  I never even realized that Sally's sold China Glaze much less For Audrey.  This color is almost pitch perfect in color to the signature Tiffany's blue.  Let's put it this way, I polished my nails and held one of my Tiffany's boxes and it looked exact.  The name "For Audrey" is clearly a dedication to Audrey Hepburn and her iconic role in Breakfast at Tiffany's.  I love this as a small luxury because every time I look at my nails it puts me in the mind of being wrapped in the exclusiveness of Tiffany's and for less than $5!  Listen, please don't ask me why that is because I don't know and I'm enjoying the moment. I know that I'm not the only person with the same feeling so if you have this nail polish and for the same reason let me know. 

Satiable Goal for 2011 - Business - Topic 5

Business can encompass all sorts of things from actually running a business to managing your household.  Having a blog is like having a little business because you have a product which are your post and you have a consumer which are your readers.  If you neglect your blog your readers will leave you and if you stay consistent and interesting your readers will stay.  The only thing about a blog is that you can literally have no readers and still write post, however without the sense of community are you really successful?? I don't think so.  Also you can really turn your blog into a financially compensatory business with advertising or new customers to try out your actually products if they exist.  In my case I was going to start a website for my candles, then I decided I wanted to add a blog to my monetary site, then somehow I started the blog before the monetary site and that's where I am now.  This year however I have a goal to link the two and create a real Satiable community.  I also have a business goal to post a self drafted pattern for sale on  I also have a Satiable book I'm working on so I have a 2011 goal to have the book completed.
That's it for my 2011 business goals.  I'm sure I will add.  Do you have any?  Are you working on any projects?  Tell me about it.

Satiable Goal for 2011 - Appearance - Topic 4

OK so this is one of my favorite topics.  Appearance can encompass so many things that it can be an endless conversation, however for the sake of this post I will try and hone it in.  I find that my present overall style is not exciting me or representing me.  I use to  have a very distinct style and I was very clear of my direction.  I now find that I feel much more constricted in my choices.  The problem could be with growing older or with a changing body.  Either way it's time to make real changes because I have an education in fashion and it's really important to me. This year my goal is to reintroduce myself to a personal style that I am really excited about and stay committed and consistent with it.  I have so many good shopping sites to talk to you about in future post and believe me I know how to get a good deal. On the subject of clothes I have a goal to make(sew) at least one new garment a least.  This year I will make a workout schedule that is doable and really commit to it.  I expect to have a completed schedule by Valentine's Day.  Last year I went the whole year without going to the hairdresser which is huge deal considering I've gone to the hair salon most of my life.  I decided last year to really learn how to do my own hair in totality and it has been a real journey because come to find out their is actually a lot to learn, at least for the most healthy hair.  My goal for this year is to perfect my hair care regimen and be completely self sufficient on the matter.
Something that can be overlooked a lot is the inner health for outward appearance.  In a previous post I spoke about some of my nutritional goals. Nutrition is important to your outer appearance and so is overall health so being very diligent with my doctor appointments is definitely a 2011 goal.  I'm usually pretty good but I can be better so I will.  I can be guilty of rescheduling.  I have so many goals in several areas and I don't really want to overwhelm myself so I will stop in appearance with the previous goals.  If  I am really successful I will continue to add new goals throughout the year.
Do you have any appearance goals for this year?  Are they very specific or rather broad?  Let me know.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Satiable Goal for 2011 - Emotions - Topic 3

Marian Heath Portal 16 Month Calendar, Zen (CS11 003)
I've recently been going through a roller coaster of all sorts of things.  One thing that I have learned and I know for sure is that I am not alone.  We all go through major things at different points in our life's life.  The major theme of this blog is about having a satisfying life and you can't have a satisfying life without being satisfied.  One of the things that I pride myself in is on being able to really appreciate the "small things".  As you already know I really LOVE small luxuries and can genuinely find a pure joy with the use of my imagination, however I do have my moments when life is a real challenge for me and I really have to search a little harder for that satisfaction.  This takes me to my third goal of managing my emotions.  I actually own the book "Managing Your Emotions" by Joyce Meyer and have never read it.  I have now made that my step number 1. My goal is to read this book by March 1st.
Another book that I own that I will be reading daily throughout the year is "The Book Of Awakening:  Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have" by Mark Nepo.  In this book there is a story or essay entry for each day of the year.  The author is a poet and a cancer survivor so you know he's reflective and expressive.  The entries really give you a reason to pause and take note.
My goal with this book is to be consistent with reading this daily as well as really reflecting on each and every entry.
This is a goal that will evolve throughout the year because I may need to add to my to do list for it.  Once I've read " Managing Your Emotions" I should have a better grasp of where I might want to go from there.  One thing that I know about goals is that you have to be very specific in order to be more successful at achieving them so I know that as my thought process become more clear my continued goals in this catagory has to become more defined.  I'm sure we'll keep talking about this throughout the year.  Do you have any emotional goals for 2011?  Are you thinking about your emotional health?  Let me know.  Sidenote:  The calendar at the start of this post is the calender that I bought for this year.  I like to have a theme every year with my calender reflecting the type of year I want.  I bought mine at but they are sold out.  I found this one " The Gift of Zen" at, however it's a little pricey.  You can always find your own theme.  There are many choices still available.

Satiable Goal for 2011 - Nutrition - Topic 2

When I think of accomplishing goals I think of needing the energy to get going.  When I think of needing energy I think of nutrition.  I am a firm believer that nutrition is the cure for EVERYTHING so of course proper nutrition has to be a 2011 goal.  Now don't get me wrong I really do try however I can often fall short.  Discipline is absolutely essential here so I really will need to focus.  I have what I considered to be an all star team on my side for this goal.  I am a person who loves blogs and I am really loyal to the blogs that I love so my first all star will be a blogger, and that blog will be:
Kimberly Snyder's Health and Beauty Blog.  I LOOVVEEE her blog.   Kimberly Snyder is a clinical nutritionist whose approach to nutrition is holistic.    Traveling the world, teaching yoga, being a guest contributor to several morning shows and magazines and being a major film set on site nutritionist is nothing to sneeze at not to mention she has a new book coming out in the next couple of months which you know I have already pre-ordered on Because Kimberly Snyder is a raw tion foodist I thought that I could never follow her but the more I continued to read  her blog the more I knew that I could never NOT follow her.  I have learned so much about nutrition through her and consider her to be my own personal nutritionist, at least in my mind.  I have really been inspired by her approach and have even invested in a Vitamix to make her great tasting healthy smoothies.  OK. Sidenote: Guess what I saw last night?  A new smaller version on QVC, which is where I bought my Vitamix, for $363 with 5 easy payments $72.60!  OK so anyway she inspired me to get my Vitamix and I love it.  It's one of the best investments that I have ever made.  I'll do a complete post on the Vitamix soon. My goal here is to learn to memory and in depth 1 nutritional fact per week from this site.  There are so many and at least once a week should be very doable.
 My second all star is the book "Food Rules" by Michael Pollan.   Seeing the documentary Food Inc.really changed my life and eating habits so when my attention was called to his book "Food Rules" I knew I had to give it a chance and I did not regret it.  Actually I wanted to buy 10 more copies and give them to friends and family.  This book is so good that my doctor put the name of this book on a prescription pad and tried to give it to me, at least until I told him that I already had it and yes it was good.  My goal with this book is to read a rule everyday until I have memorized all the rules.  This book is a very very quick read so my problem will never be reading through it but having the discipline to live by it.  It's practical, reasonable and just plain common sense.
My third goal is water.  Getting enough water is the goal.  More specifically I'll increase my intake to at least 6 cups a day for the first 6 months of the year and move to 8 cups by July.  One thing that I know for sure is that I'm not getting enough water and that will definitely change for 2011.  My one new trick is that I add a little Simply Lemonade or Simply Limeade to my water to add a little flavor.  I've tried this so many different times with several different pieces of fruit but I couldn't taste enough flavor, however the Lemonade and Limeade is working perfectly for now.  Eventually I'll ween myself off of the flavors and strictly drink the water.
So those are my three major nutrition goals for 2011.  I'm sure that I will add more as the year progress, however I did not want to overwhelm myself so I'll start strong but slow.  Do you have any nutritional goals for the new year?  Have you already started?  Let me know.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Satiable Goal for 2011 - Education - Topic 1

OK so let's get started with the first goal which is education.  Now when I say education I mean learn something.  Learn ANYTHING.  For the last couple of years I have really been in a learning phase.  I have learned everything from how to make Maki rolls to how to make my own dress form out of duct tape.  This year I have a goal to learn those things that I have been putting off for years like becoming fluent in Spanish and learning how to properly use my Nikon D3000.  This year my goals list will be very specific.  I use to have New Years Resolutions that I never fulfilled until I finally gave up on the complete thought of "revolutions".  Now I have decided to have specific, attainable "goals".  One of my specific goals in education is to take at least 5 adult education classes in 2011 and so far so good because I just took my first class this year a few nights ago at the Learning Annex.  The Learning Annex is an adult education organization here in NY offering a wide range of workshops and classes.  You can take classes anywhere from How To Make It In The Magazine Business to 7 Steps to Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur to A Beginner's Guide to Craps.  For those of you who don't live in NY they also have some online classes.  Another great source of learning for me is the internet. You can learn almost ANYTHING online.  It's amazing.  For the most part all you have to do is GOOGLE it.  A resource that should never be over looked are books.   I'm thinking about making a goal for myself not to buy another book until I have read all of the unread books that I already have because buying books has been an obsession for me. Great resources for inexpensive books are Amazon, Ebay, Salvation Army and  Strand Books  You can also borrow from the library.  I don't know, there is just so much to learn about.   An education is something that no one can ever take away from you is something that I heard my whole life and I have found that to be so true.
Are there any specific education goals that you have planned for 2011?  Let me know, maybe it will spark an idea in me.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy New Year !!! - Welcome 2011!!!

I know, I know, I know.........I'm late. Well, at least it's still January.  I've been waiting to write this post for the longest because I really wanted to reevaluate the direction that I was going next with my blog. Ultimately  I have decided to continue in the same direction because I love the things that I write about, however I will be more consistent with the regularity of my post. It's not like I don't have a lot of things to talk to you about because I really, really do and I am so excited to get started.    Although this is the end of January I still have at least 5 things that I want us to talk about before February pertaining to goals for 2011.  We'll talk about education, appearance, business, nutrition, and emotions so be sure to come back and share your thoughts with us.